Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sarah & Stephen

My first post-Christmas wedding was just up the road in Cromleach Lodge, an old favourite. Sarah and Stephen got married there in a Humanist ceremony conducted by Brian Whiteside. I've done quite a few civil ceremonies over the years, but this was a first for me. What it lacked in the pomp and ceremony a Church ritual brings, it more than made up for with it's immediacy and intimacy. As well as coming up the aisle together, Sarah and Stephen had written their own vows, which made them very special. There was hardly a dry eye in the house, including mine. For anyone interested in a Humanist ceremony, you can find out more at

Another first was that Sarah had a bridesman rather than a bridesmaid, with her brother Chris doing the honours. He probably had to put up with a few too many wisecracks from the guests, but carried off his role with aplomb, as well as looking dashing in a nattily-tailored suit.

With emigration in the news again, it's good to hear of people moving abroad for the right reasons occasionally. Sarah completed her PHD in Trinity and has just moved to a prestigious Philadelphia University to carry out advanced research into circadian rhythms. As an engineer specialising in wind energy, Stephen might have preferred Chicago, but with his knowledge & experience he’ll be snapped up.

Any couple who are as willing to throw themselves into everything they do as Sarah & Stephen are will always go places. There aren’t many brides who'll cast off their stoles in sub-zero temperatures, or trudge across a muddy field just because the photographer says “that’s an interesting tree”, but Sarah didn’t bat an eyelid. I met them again the next morning, having left my tripod in Cromleach, and they looked and sounded fresh as daisies. Impressive.











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