Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Arrivals and Old Faces

At the last count there were 26 birds and animals living with us here in Killaraght. The big excitement recently has been the arrival of the horses - Ardquinn Blondie (with Julie on board) and my man Pivo. Annie, the orphan kitten who turned up on the doorstep a few months ago, surprised us by delivering five very cute kittens very quickly. My brother Terry has just moved from Dublin to the country life too, and got Danté, a beautiful rough collie pup. They came to visit last week, and the presence of a blue-blooded pedigree-papered gentlemen left Ossie and Henry feeling very common.

More wedding pics to come over the next day or two.


Anonymous said...

He's sooo cute....Dante that is. Terry takes a good photo too!

Anonymous said...

the priest says hows dante doin? he says its a great florentine name.
love mam